“Brutal war crimes. Despicable savagery”

On Friday, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately halt its offensive in Rafah. Last night, the IDF dropped several 2,000 pound bombs on civilian tents and UN compounds there, killing dozens of sheltering civilians.

At least 35 people were killed and dozens injured. Women and children were among the dead.

Former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP described the  attack as “Brutal war crimes. Despicable savagery.”

The Guardian headlined: “Israeli airstrike kills 35 in Rafah after Hamas launches rockets at Tel Aviv. IDF says strike on tents housing displaced people hit Hamas installation after militants launch first salvo at Israel in months.”

One commentator responded: “Hard not to read this as the Guardian justifying the bombing of a refugee camp, a major war crime.”

What will the international community now do? The short answer is: nothing. Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis tweeted: “Israel would never dare flout international law as blatantly as this without the backing of Washington and Brussels.”

Britain too has essentially green-lighted the latest stage of Israel’s offensive. In February, Foreign Secretary Cameron said the fighting in Gaza must stop “right now”. Earlier this month, he said Britain was opposed to Israel’s Rafah offensive unless there was a “clear plan” to protect people. But he also said the UK would not withhold arms sales if the offensive went ahead.

“For months, Britain and other western allies have claimed to be categorically against any offensive in Rafah,” noted the Labour Muslim Network. “No action has been taken and now it is too late.”

Last night, former Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon MP reiterated his call for Britain to end arms sales to Israel. Continued military support for Israel means complicity in its war crimes.

But the Labour front bench has repeatedly equivocated over the conflict . A Momentum spokesperson said: “Starmer and Lammy should be calling unreservedly for an arms embargo on Israel, alongside sanctions for this rogue state.”

The political elite is clearly out of step with UK public opinion. A YouGov poll commissioned by Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Council for Arab-British Understanding shows that the majority of British people think there should be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and would support the UK ending its arms sales to Israel for the duration of the conflict in Gaza.

An emergency demonstration will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 28th May, at 6pm opposite Downing Street. Please join it to show solidarity with the people of Gaza.